His protagonists were usually women and his studies of female experience spanned a wide range of social milieux, professions and situations.
For example, research on marine fisheries must consider information from wide stretches of the ocean, and studies of long-lived forest communities must span decades.
His studies span a range of industries and contexts, including organizations in computers, telecommunications, research and development, software, semiconductors, disk drives, newspaper publishing, beer brewing, banking, and the environment.
After studies spanning decades, an accurate calculation of the service life of polymer plain bearings is possible today.
The academic study of Mishpat Ivri spans the full geographic, literary, and historical range of Halakha.
Implants have an almost unlimited lifetime (the longest studies span 25 years), if daily maintenance is performed.
The study spanned a groundbreaking scale and depth.
The study of 31 public companies spanned 18 months, beginning in early 1999.
The study of Stereochemistry focuses on stereoisomers and spans the entire spectrum of organic, inorganic, biological, physical and especially supramolecular chemistry.
Freedman's study spanned the globe.