But this study did not trace hair loss over time.
Most cases are unresolved, but a recent study of 10 deaths traced all of them to the Army or to other Sandinista-controlled groups.
These studies will trace the imprints of experience on our DNA, revealing, perhaps years later, how nature and nurture are entwined.
The study traced half of all foreclosures to nine builders and just a dozen of the county's 254 subdivisions.
Its study traced at least to the year of 1860.
The study traced an expansion of drug use among young people into the late 1970's, a decline through 1991 and since then a resurgence.
The study traced magnetic resonance images of blood flow in the brain.
The study traced the past movements of peoples to discover how many Vikings stayed after the raids.
Other studies have traced the virus and its effects in people who were infected through contaminated blood about two decades ago.
The study traced most of the increase to China, which is planning a large industrialization drive.