But companies have repeatedly stumbled in their forays onto the other's turf.
Louis climbed it, stumbling repeatedly but somehow not falling until he was almost down.
He stumbled repeatedly, completing only three clean triple jumps, and dropped from second place in the short program to fourth over all.
Yet she stumbled repeatedly on one calculation: -2.3 + .5.
But Lotus stumbled repeatedly as the personal computer evolved.
As Richard played the piano and sang, he repeatedly stumbled over the lyric, unable to get past the second line of the song.
But the project has repeatedly stumbled on the nitty-gritty realities underfoot.
I tripped and stumbled repeatedly, but never for a moment would my guide slacken his pace.
In court, however, the Microsoft defense stumbled repeatedly.
Mumbling incoherently, the officials said, he stumbled repeatedly over prisoners who were trying to sleep.