After a stunned instant, members of the hoonish crew roared with laughter.
One thing for sure, he thought in that stunned instant, Gideon was nobody's boyfriend, least of all Rachel's.
After one stunned instant, for which she could hardly blame him, he reacted with admirable promptitude.
They stood for a stunned instant, the three of them, within ridiculously clear shooting distance of each other.
By Ifni, he thought in a stunned instant.
Ian gazed up into the leathery face above him, for an instant too stunned to speak.
After the first stunned instant she gave passionately, with the kind of desperation that left him shaken and edgy for more.
After a stunned instant, the others did the same.
For one stunned instant she stared at him, and then lightning crackled.
For a stunned instant, she thought time had tricked them, sending them back to the moment when they had first met.