And in a sudden, unexpectedly juvenile manner, he leaned the barrel across his arm and made the hissing sound of a stunner blast.
But somehow I'd regained control of my muscles, with none of the staggering nausea that usually follows a stunner blast.
The Princess could not be conscious she had gone down at Sandar's stunner blast.
Colonel Imfry the stunner blast had been low; he and his men would not be incapacitated for long.
Some humans are more resistant to stunner blasts than others, and humans under the influence of Wraith feeding enzyme are either immune or extremely tolerant to its effects.
The stunner blasts jolted over her head, shot along the floor by her hip as she dived for cover.
Taggart thundered up behind her and shouldered her out of the path of a stunner blast.
The Dendarii trooper closed on a green guard hand-to-hand, to shield himself from stunner blast.