Moments later a stunning redhead emerged from a discreet side door to relieve Nixie, who then showed her guests out of the reception area and into a small elevator.
In another corner of the Parlor, a stunning redhead and a priest shared a computer, gesticulating excitedly, typing simultaneously, watching the screen- together, then gesticulating again.
The foremost, a stunning redhead, said, "Hi, I'm Mona.
A stunning redhead stepped into their paths.
One was a stunning redhead in a green thong bikini skimpy enough to make a stripper blush.
In the gathering light, Ravi could see a smallish, broad-shouldered, tough-looking character accompanied by a stunning redhead.
St. Clair was a strong chess player and a stunning redhead to boot.
She was a stunning redhead who worked in Ihe Embassy Secretariat.
And the stunning redhead, all five foot ten of her.
The walls are covered with photographs of his companion, Sophie, a stunning young redhead, in which she is usually bare-breasted and nibbling on a rose or some such.