Their most glaring weakness has been exposed with stunning suddenness: they have no depth.
The stunning suddenness of his departure and the ensuing turmoil of the last few days have kept us from yet assessing the magnitude of our loss.
The breath left his lungs with stunning suddenness, and his whole body went numb with shock.
The spasm of their pleasure came with stunning suddenness.
Death had come with stunning suddenness.
With stunning suddenness this awful illusion, if that is what it was, faded, and he came back to himself.
It had come with stunning suddenness, almost as sudden as the "reforms" with which the Committee seemed to be trying to overwhelm the very Empire.
But now the purpose of this unveiled vision came to them with stunning suddenness.
That move, of such stunning suddenness and power, is now a legend at the school, where it is known simply as "the lick."
If the words had been lightning they could not have leaped with a more stunning suddenness from Huck's blanched lips.