I know bloggers are wealthy, of course... but stunningly handsome?
He was as he had been when she had first seen him, dark, stunningly handsome, a little reckless.
The school is stunningly handsome, a new and renovated architectural wonder with interiors likely to stagger even a designer's imagination.
And that is why I have become this very night a fresh, new, stunningly handsome friend to Dorian.
A stunningly handsome black man answered the door.
Glamgodluv - 1 month 28 days ago Adam looked stunningly handsome!!
He was a stunningly handsome man, even more so in person than he had been on television.
These Rube Goldberg devices were stunningly handsome, and each reverberated with the authority of science.
"I'll have you know that I am considered stunningly handsome among Tal-axians."