Tristan and his companions stood up on one of these, a sturdy platform perhaps twelve feet off the ground to the left of the line at the gate.
Dancers like Pierina Legnani wore shoes with a sturdy, flat platform at the front end of the shoe, rather than the more sharply pointed toe of earlier models.
They had shortcomings but behind them were two seasons of unprecedented success, a sturdy platform on which to build or to consolidate.
Is that a sturdy, non-cynical platform upon which to relaunchthemselves, or rather a typical fungoo sign to their fans by the most charmlessband of all time?
"I was raised by these three women," Ms. Gomez added emphatically, as if their example had been a sturdy platform to her.
Led by the Phom Troupe, the equilibrists hammered together a sturdy platform on the village side of the gorge.
After a brief prologue, the play begins with a journalist interviewing a subject, a sturdy and overused platform to introduce exposition.
Many stand mixers have a set of common features, including removable attachments, a tilt-up head and sturdy platform for the work bowl.
By combining many of the smaller service areas, the new configuration establishes a sturdier platform for client services and the future growth of New York's equal justice system.
The excavation site is worth a close look before entering the museum; half an hour walking along the site's sturdy platforms should suffice.