Even in buildings with sturdy roofs, strict rules and happy shareholders, a roof garden would be of little use without plants.
They now had warm porridge sitting in their stomachs, dry clothes on their backs, and a sturdy 101 roof over their heads.
It had to be just so, for the rafters to lean evenly against it and make a sturdy roof.
A sturdy roof on the Jouster's shelter to keep out the sun, however, was a must.
Her mother simply couldn't understand discontent or yearnings for more, not when there was a sturdy roof over the head and food enough for everyone.
We keep a sturdy roof.
Years of rain and weather had reduced a once sturdy roof of thatch and timbers to rotted weakness.
Still, it had seemed different with a sturdy roof over one's head and all America's rescue systems in the background.
The place has been falling apart for years, but it has a sturdy new roof, a gift intended to repay a debt six decades old.
It will fit in the back of an S.U.V. and can be used at a campsite or even on a sturdy roof.