"On occasion, the style of the play should call for the most delicate and unobtrusive staging," he added.
Shortly after production, a competitor introduced a new style called a "harness boot."
The style called for much visual comedy improvised by the players.
The library's architectural style also called brutalism is usually a cause for questioning and study by architecture students.
That almost seems like an invitation to the Giants to pass deep, although their style generally calls for shorter passes.
The style today calls for little pedal, strict rhythms and textual fidelity.
Paul sometimes uses a style of writing common in his time called a "diatribe".
The prevailing style called for an extremely low waist line, well down on the hips, several inches below its natural location.
It embodied the style of urban design called the City Beautiful movement.
And my personal style mutated into what I guess people now call Gucci.