Northern styles exhibit a distinctively different flavor from the martial arts practiced in the South.
The more style the player exhibits in their kills, the more they are rewarded for it.
The British style exhibits a no-nonsense approach to governance.
Not much is known about his early works except that his early style exhibited modernist forms.
The functionalist style in public law exhibits tendencies to examine critically the reasoning processes of courts and to expose the value assumptions on which they rest.
The architectural style of these shrines exhibit clear concordance with the later Chola temples.
Nevertheless, the book's unique style exhibits a rare and artistic economy that still inspires admiration, respect-and exasperation.
The Anglo-Rajasthani style of construction exhibits a fine blending of two different cultures.
Courting styles also exhibit considerable variation, just as they do among humans.
The architectural style of the music stage exhibits a combination of Chinese and Western elements.