Any drink, be it cranberry juice or Champagne, tastes better in a stylish glass - even if it is not the finest crystal.
She is a tall gracious woman in stylish wire-rimmed glasses and linen trousers.
The detective polished his stylish glasses as he responded defensively, "For a while.
Dressed in black, he clasped his manacled hands and looked woefully at the cameras, through stylish wire-rim glasses, as he was hustled into magistrate court.
Her pale eyes, behind her stylish glasses, had the fact-obsessed look of the clinician.
Mr. Hendrix wore stylish glasses and a black cowboy hat over his long, flowing, graying hair.
His eyes glinted behind the lenses of his stylish glasses.
Another great use for beer bottles, this time turning them into stylish glasses.
He was much thinner, his hair was short and very dark, he had grown a dark mustache and worn stylish horn-rimmed glasses.
It is completely newly designed, with three coaches, pantograph, air-conditioned steel body with vestibule and stylish front glass & looking glass.