Half-barrels are a good size and widely available, but hundreds of more stylish options are offered by Web-based specialists like SimplyPlanters.com, (800) 971-4269, and the more modernistic PlantContainers.com, (866) 342-3330.
Hotel Era is an intimate and stylish option on the southern tip of Sri Lanka, within reach of Galle, and the white sands of Unawatuna.
Eyebobs were designed for people who want stylish options when buying over-the-counter reading glasses (check!)
However, if you need to have some extra drawer, shelf or even bed space, then look at the array of ideas at Apartment Therapy's Roundup, which has stylish options to fit every house and home.
A more stylish and affordable option is La Puerta Roja Inn, Calle Galeana 46, (52-647) 428-0142, www.lapuertarojainn.com, where the red front door leads to a verdant courtyard, outdoor dining area and a collection of five cheerful and eclectic guest rooms that feature festive tiling, antique furniture and high wood-beam ceilings.
It can also be a stylish option.
Otherwise, this is a very stylish option for consumers.
Clare Mann stays at Newcastle's Hotel du Vin, a stylish option with dazzling views of the Tyne.
And Green Mountain Chalets, new in St Martin de Belleville in the Trois Vallées, is a stylish option with five rooms, a cellar dining room, honesty fridge and free shuttle to the lifts, from €380pp per week half-board.
These powered performance headphones are engineered to deliver such a high quality of pristine, balanced sound that they are appropriate for use by music professional and they're also a stylish option for the tasteful traveler looking for superior noise cancelling technology.