King took more than stylistic cues from these examples, as he also employed some of the techniques which he saw.
The island and its natives pay homage to and take numerous stylistic cues from similar lost-at-sea stories by science fiction/fantasy author H. P. Lovecraft.
The Duo 101, so named as either a soft top or hard top could be used, incorporated many key stylistic cues inspired by the Lotus Elan, a 1960s roadster.
The album is a unique juxtaposition of modern and traditional jazz tunes with stylistic cues drawn from both worlds.
For a game that takes a lot of stylistic cues from the likes of Blade Runner, it's also surprisingly funny.
Several later authors such as Sally Carrighar and Ewan Clarkson took many stylistic cues from Williamson.
The Killers frontman's solo debut takes several stylistic cues from his day job.
Although it is a baseball-only facility, its design took several stylistic cues from the multi-purpose stadiums of the day.
This and other stylistic cues paint him as middle-aged and poorly educated (or, as presented by Soviet authorities, "proletarian") man.
In modern times the direction of the flow reversed itself when 19th- and early 20th-century Chinese painters in Shanghai began taking their stylistic cues from Japanese art.