It can also help us to identify why a student is not achieving the stylistic effect he or she is seeking.
It might be varied for emphasis, to express a different point of view, or for stylistic effect.
In writing, however, the informal variants are only used for stylistic effects.
Its only positive feature is perhaps the brief discussion on the stylistic effects of thematic organisation in fictional discourse.
Such evenhanded amorality, done for what is essentially stylistic effect, leaves a bad taste.
Monotonic passages are also used in art music for stylistic effect.
It uses the odd color as a stylistic effect, completely in keeping with the claustrophobic feeling of the film and the fluorescent lights.
It is often used for comic effect, time lapse or occasional stylistic effect.
These languages are sometimes used in her English-language fiction for stylistic or dramatic effect.
Neither was it manipulated or controlled for specific stylistic effects concerned with those aspects.