Mottled, twisting forms that look like solidified swift brush strokes are characteristic of several stylistic phases.
The Snyderman House, designed in 1972 and completed five years later, spans Michael Graves' two stylistic phases.
Like the other arts, cooking goes through stylistic phases.
Ive has taken Apple through successive stylistic phases.
She is known for the work of her final stylistic phase, known as action painting.
Over the years, he has gone through several stylistic phases, painting landscapes and other scenes from his imagination.
Although devoid of any chronological reference, the paintings made in this stylistic phase clearly distinct themselves from the ones created in the earlier periods.
Cuyp's third stylistic phase (which occurred throughout his career) is based on the influence of his father.
Grové's 'African' stylistic phase was result of a Damascus moment when he overheard a song sung by an African streetworker.
A brief look at the different stylistic phases of de la Vega's artwork throughout his career (see "Selected Artworks" section below for example paintings).