Traditional stylistic terms (eg that of the periodic sentence - see 7.5.3) although often ill-defined, seem to refer to such configurations of categories.
In stylistic terms the motets of the Gradualia form a sharp contrast to those of the Cantiones sacrae publications.
In stylistic terms, Evans's photography is a series of negations.
One thing to be learned from the exhibition is that in stylistic terms, black photographers are no different from white photographers.
But while these elements often appear, defining Butoh in stylistic terms is dangerous.
No doubt the reader could also think of an argument, mainly in stylistic terms, for treating this sentence as part of the preceding set.
In some stylistic terms, especially his fine drawings, Nearchos seems closely connected to the Painter of Acropolis 606.
In formal and stylistic terms, A Life was very much an Italian opera but also showed a sophisticated thematic structure and a boldness in orchestral scoring.
The stylistic and iconographic terms of the paintings is a work that announces a milestone in the development of Serbian mural painting.
In urban as well as stylistic terms, in other words, Stone's design was a pivot in the reconciliation of opposed points of view.