Stylistically influenced by Iraqi 'Abbasid art, these paintings are innovative in their more spatially aware representation of personages and of animals.
As in Fata Morgana, Aranda was stylistically influenced by comic strips.
Although it has not conclusively been established, he may have been stylistically influenced by Aśvaghoṣa.
Rodgers borrowed songs and song fragments from Stokes and was influenced stylistically as well.
However, Umm Kulthum was not stylistically influenced by opera, and she sang solo most of her career.
Archaic Greek sculptors seem to have been influenced stylistically by the Egyptians, although divergences appeared early on.
They are thought to be stylistically influenced by Haydn's Opus 33 series, which had appeared in 1781.
Stylistically influenced by Eustathius, his otherwise classical diction sounded an ecclesiastical note.
Like many Kinks songs, it is stylistically influenced by the British Music Hall.
While stylistically influenced by the Post-Impressionists, what evolved was a subject matter which was symbolist in content, depicting a state of mind rather than an external reality.