The film was noted for its very stylized film making and cutting-edge dialogues, a large portion of it in English.
Koolhoven started off with strongly stylized films that were all hailed by the critics, but never gained commercial success.
- Intersections, which favours bold subjects and stylized films from around the world.
In such a stylized film, does an actor reach for a stylized performance?
Mr. Barker's leads are real people, characters in a highly stylized film.
To appreciate the Coens, it is necessary to delight in their films' stylized, surface charms.
The highly stylized film won awards for cinematography, audiography, choreography, and music, among others.
This is the question Peter Greenaway explores in his elegant, stylized and brutal new film.
But such a stylized film never had a chance against Jerry Lee Lewis's notoriety.
In addition to producing, she also shoots stylized film and video with small format cameras.