Later, sometimes much later, these rituals became stylized performances and turned her into one of France's best-known Conceptual artists.
The drama's allegorical implications are underscored by rigidly stylized performances that allow little emotional spontaneity.
In such a stylized film, does an actor reach for a stylized performance?
Mr. Greenspan delivers a rivetingly stylized performance as Harold, the king of the cool barb.
It's a stylized performance.
Farce is also characterized by physical humor, the use of deliberate absurdity or nonsense, and broadly stylized performances.
Under Gloria Muzio's direction, all the members of the cast give the kind of consistently stylized performances the comedy calls for.
At a time when realism and authenticity were in vogue, his life was a stylized performance designed to grab attention.
Kobzar performance was replaced with stylized performances of folk and classical music utilising the bandura.
And at least Mr. Gutierrez doesn't make the mistake of letting his cast go over the top with exaggeratedly stylized performances.