In 15 other sub-Saharan countries, the figure is only 1 percent.
In eight sub-Saharan countries, more than 25 percent of children under 15 have already lost at least one parent, she said.
Kenya's economic performance has been better than many other sub-Saharan country.
In the early 1980's, only four sub-Saharan countries held regular multiparty elections.
The company's presence in sub-Saharan countries teeming with wildlife is hard to miss.
Repayments by the sub-Saharan countries alone amount to 500 per cent.
The lowest levels of economic growth were in sub-Saharan African countries.
But critics say everybody in a sub-Saharan country with a sky-high infection rate is high risk.
"This bill encourages a transition from aid to trade for sub-Saharan countries committed to economic and political reform."
Could be a fantastic source of protein for drought affected sub-Saharan countries maybe?