Reining's field of specialization was centered mainly on the sub-Saharan region of Africa.
Despite some major achievements in Rwanda's attempts to achieve universal primary education, it currently has one of the worst repetition rates in the sub-saharan region.
Sickle-cell disease occurs more commonly among people whose ancestors lived in tropical and sub-tropical sub-saharan regions where malaria is or was common.
All the while, the locusts have been breeding across the sub-Saharan region.
The Satellite broadcast covers the sub-Saharan region although it can be picked as far as London.
Nigerian has about 18 million students, more than than the entire populations of all but a handful of countries in the sub-Saharan region.
The sub-Saharan region is another area where fighting among tribes goes on.
Cholera hit the sub-Saharan African region during the fourth pandemic from 1863 to 1875.
Since the departure of Mobutu from central Africa the flow of arms into the sub-Saharan region has increased.
It made new recommendations on how to ensure that the promise of Africa's accelerated economic growth was converted into development across the sub-Saharan African region.