Diving while in a sub-optimal physical condition reduces the reserves available for dealing with a problem.
In recognition that the 340 had been developed in haste, under sub-optimal conditions, several early 'production prototype' level cars were subjected to a 10,000-kilometer marathon test run.
The value chosen for reserve should be sufficient for the diver to make a safe ascent in sub-optimal conditions.
This facultative sociality allows them to survive periods of sub-optimal conditions, when sustaining large aggregations is not feasible.
This tolerance ensures that the processor will have a higher chance of performing correctly under sub-optimal conditions, such as a lower-quality motherboard or low power supply voltages.
Pads also offer an advantage to the untrained user, and to medics working in the sub-optimal conditions of the field.
Skid signs were recorded on the rails meters before the derailment, pointing to a sub-optimal condition of the rails.
Moreover, the embryos, themselves, might have been unhealthy; they were sometimes raised under sub-optimal conditions.
The March 22nd attempt failed to break the record, due to sub-optimal conditions.
Competition wave sailors thus have to be very adept at performing in sub-optimal conditions (often small, messy waves and onshore winds).