As the reindeer is the only deer species of which females bear antlers, this would suggest an arctic or subarctic region.
It is a circumpolar breeder in Arctic or subarctic regions.
Tundra: A treeless plain characteristic of the arctic and subarctic regions.
Most low-risk areas are sparsely populated desert, arctic and subarctic regions.
The largest is the Arctic Archipelago, which actually extends to subarctic regions.
Like all subarctic regions, the months from May to July in the summer have no night, only a twilight during the night hours.
These plants are common in the subarctic regions and high mountains of the northern hemisphere.
The snow spreads into the subarctic regions such as the taiga forests of the northern hemisphere.
It is found in arctic and subarctic regions.
C. mutica are generally found in temperate and subarctic regions.