At the subatomic level, one cannot tell whether time is running backward or forward.
He had removed their clothing and searched it, all the way down to the subatomic level.
If you turn to page two you'll see it looks like we've got something unusual at the subatomic level.
He claimed to have demonstrated it on the subatomic level, but his findings are still in dispute.
"You're talking about something on the subatomic level, aren't you?"
Indeed, he knows so little of operations at atomic and subatomic levels that the words mean nothing to him.
Everything in the universe is connected at the subatomic level.
"It's just how the universe is, at the subatomic level."
First, on the subatomic level, effect sometimes comes before cause.
"When you get to the subatomic level, everything we know about the basic makeup of the universe falls apart," he told the audience.