That's a lot of money for a subcompact car.
Huakai has a capacity of 866 passengers and up to 282 subcompact cars.
This subcompact car comes in hatchback and sedan body styles.
It is capable of transporting up to 866 passengers and 282 subcompact cars.
And at a time when a handbag may cost more than a subcompact car, $100 can purchase an array of beautiful things.
This flexible-fuel car was launched in 2012 as a subcompact car.
Mr. Lagow was about to take his test in a subcompact car.
The two companies plan to produce subcompact cars for sale in Europe, starting in 2004.
The Ford results challenged some other recent conclusions about the market, including the belief that demand for subcompact cars is dropping.
Earlier versions (through at least the B11 series) were subcompact cars.