He wondered now-did Ria subconsciously feel that Ace was the daughter she'd never had-and probably never would have?
Commander Queeg subconsciously feels that he is disliked because he is wicked, stupid, and personally insignificant.
Or perhaps, by bullying they think they can dictate work which they subconsciously feel they lack the skills for.
Reduced to inconsequentiality in oceans of cars, the poor wretched young driver subconsciously feels his identity being ceaselessly eroded by ever-swelling hordes of humans and cars.
They subconsciously felt guilty and fantasized about keeping the family together with conveniently located gardens that would satisfy both Eddie and Eva.
Now he instinctively put off what he felt subconsciously would amount to desertion of the remaining Taloids as well.
Miss Zygmunt, who has received master's degrees in fine art, education, counseling and art therapy, said in retrospect she must have subconsciously felt a sense of mission when keeping the diary.
The damaged man approaching outside the house would go through his surreptitious entry routine with that unrecognized, built-in contempt all men felt subconsciously for a female opponent.
There is also some belief that referees respond differently to a home team, and that they consciously or subconsciously feel intimidated by the howling partisan fans.