Subconsciously wanted to be killed, so I rushed onto the field of fire, hoping to be shot down.
A fool, or someone who subconsciously wanted to fail.
But if Stegoman was getting what he really subconsciously wanted, he'd be murder to cure!
You make it mean what you subconsciously want it to mean.
Jesse speculates that they may have subconsciously wanted their father caught.
It's a game he subconsciously wants to lose; I'll grant you that.
I probably subconsciously want to find somebody who would prove me right.
His artillery arms flinched as if he subconsciously wanted to blast a hole through the tower wall.
No one ever did anything they really didn't subconsciously want to do from the beginning.
"So, the nexus puts you into the time and place you subconsciously want to be in?"