Many subjects, however, which I have cursorily alluded to, call for particular investigation, especially the laws relative to women, and the consideration of their peculiar duties.
Other subjects called for a sense of high drama.
They also work just as well when the subject is calling the order of a deck before it is shuffled.
This was the King his loyal subjects called Roland the Good?
The only memories he could probe were those the subjects were presently calling to mind.
His grateful subject called him 'Eningthou Nungsiba' or 'our beloved king.'
Mswazi's subjects called themselves people of Mswazi, or Swazis, and the name stuck.
"Different subjects call for different techniques," he writes in an author's note.
Her subjects often call upon mythology and fairy tails for inspiration.
Once upon a time, the subject of history called forth deep, drowsy yawns.