All subjects reported no history of disease or other confounding factors.
No subjects reported having expected a memory test even though many of them had already taken part in Study 1.
Some subjects report being told to choose between going into the light or returning to their earthly body.
The subjects reported a more positive approach toward their menstruation, sexuality, and bodies.
Some subjects reported being certain they were not in a small chamber but a huge one, with endless space around them.
All subjects reported at 0900 after a 12 hour fast.
When asked to describe their experience, subjects report seeing the abrupt color change before the second dot is actually presented.
One subject, he said, "reported that she had loved Pepsi but couldn't stand it anymore."
Using this method, subjects may report an image presented in their visual field as being invisible for over three minutes.
Only 3 subjects reported consuming more than a 340 ml serving per week.