In 1993, the Supreme Court rejected a purely subjective definition of a "sham" lawsuit, and set out a two-part test.
Those are two very subjective definitions," developer Michael Tseng told Ars.
Dr. Sutton-Smith discounts most studies as unreliable because they used small samples and subjective definitions of aggression.
The principles laid out in the proposed guidelines, stated one comment, create "subjective definitions" of the four terms.
In addition to the general subjective definition of offensive interference, it is also interference by specific rule when:
Lying is thus genuinely inter-subjective (in the sense of operating between two subjective definitions of reality).
New York cell phone users have a more subjective definition: bad manners are those things they do not do.
It is a matter of subjective definition whether participation of a third person without physical contact constitutes a threesome.
The analysis led to the estimation of subjective family equivalence scales and subjective definitions of poverty.
The Court of Appeal quashed the conviction, declaring that the subjective definition was necessary.