Accepting that conclusio means accepting a more subjective standard of measuring the cost of living.
Justice Crane said the subjective standard alone was the law of New York.
Clearly this is a subjective standard, though it's hard to imagine a standard that wouldn't be.
Lord Oliver held the requirement is the assistance is given in good faith and in the best interests of the company, a subjective standard.
"It is a subjective standard based on how outraged a particular jury is," Mr. Morrison said.
Coming to grips with who I am means redefining myself by highly personal and subjective standards.
And that "is a very subjective standard."
It is no longer good law, as it stipulated that a "subjective" standard of competence applied.
And while the Comptroller's office says it has addressed the problems, officials insist that the real issue is not reliability, but the subjective standards of the law.
This is an incomplete list of bootlegs, which can or may never satisfy any subjective standard for completeness.