Additional examples are adjusted to the entries in an automated way - we cannot guarantee that they are correct.
And the voice was sublime, almost enough to make you believe in God.
To have been old did mean sublime experience and knowledge.
She never got on with Dad, he was too sublime.
He expected it even on the way back from the sublime view.
Small things space almost always sublime, even if they are made of rock.
The same is to be said of the sublime and beautiful in the human form.
His sublime sense of language has made him loved by many.
I feel as if the most sublime goals of my life are coming true.
It took him a moment to put a name to this sublime feeling.
Stories range from the sublime to the not so serious.
One move was subtle, the other nothing short of sublime.
It almost seems odd to talk about the sublime today.
He has the power to turn the ordinary into the sublime.
We hold the sublime values of justice, peace and love.
This is the sublime question, the task of the film.
Proud, sublime nature is not to be found in our land'.
He wanted to know what goes on, from the sublime to the ridiculous.
In the last year here, he has gone from the sublime to the modest.
The difference between the two, I'm sure you of all people realize, is sublime.
There's something sublime in the collapse of a great culture.
And Mozart wrote no music more sublime than for her.
This was often the result of sublime encounters with nature.
I am to remember my Mona as having been sublime.
There was no place for words in his sublime misery.
Yet Sublime could not be allowed to succeed here, either.