As a 7-year-old, I played this record over and over, which I'm sure had a subliminal influence on my musical career.
Or perhaps the subliminal influence of Ben & Jerry's ice cream is having an effect.
Since many of the musicians are using sampling and electronic percussion, hip-hop is often there as a subliminal influence.
A great deal of effort has gone into making changes in this area, since many feminists consider pronouns an important subliminal influence on perception.
Judge Friia remembered that she saw the movie recently on cable television and conceded that it might have been a subliminal influence.
It may be a subliminal influence of their specialties, rather than part of their deliberate, rational thought.
There are subliminal influences, too.
Because I was so close to Tong, who had no notion of my subliminal influence he victimized himself with subconscious fears.
If subliminal influence is truly a factor in judging, his scores would argue a more eloquent case than any coach.
A point, then, for the debriefing: Kim Harvester had come under the subliminal influence only in Proctor's flat, and not for very long.