Put yourself in her place: on the maiden voyage of the last word in Chinese submarine technology.
But this will not alleviate the international dangers caused by submarine collisions and accidents or transfers of submarine technology.
He received training on nuclear submarine technology and tactics from experienced Russian instructors.
Astute class missle submarines, which are very much at cutting edge of submarine technology.
It was depicted in the series as a discarded product of Russian submarine technology.
Norway expelled three Soviet officials because of espionage involving sensitive submarine technology.
The Walkers gave away information, he said, and "Soviet submarine technology improved.
With his experience and access to classified information, officials said today, there could have been a potentially serious loss of military secrets related to nuclear submarine technology.
The Mk-48 torpedo was designed at the end of the 1960s to keep up with the advances in Soviet submarine technology.
Norway said today that it had asked three Soviet officials to leave the country, saying they had tried to obtain sensitive submarine technology.