It was embarrassing, unsophisticated-and forever a submerged part of him, like the memories of Virginia that had come filtering through his head and hands to the portrait.
The total length of the atoll, including the submerged part, is 21.5 km, with a maximum width of 6.3 km.
The plateau originated in the Gondwanan breakup and is one of the five major submerged parts of Zealandia, a largely submerged continent.
Never varnish submerged parts like rudders.
On 28 January, the 17th body, a female crew member, was recovered from a submerged part of the vessel.
A third one is in a submerged part difficult to reach.
The cove of Stara Novalja is the submerged part of the "Pasko-Dinjiska" valley.
I'm talking now about the masses, the great submerged part of every nation.
With ultrasonics, cavitation occurs throughout the tank, and all sides of submerged parts are cleaned.
The "submerged part" goes undiagnosed and unreported.