Acquisition of lands of the submerged portion of the dam began in March 1973.
The bay is formed along a submerged portion of the San Andreas Fault.
These apple snails lay gelatinous masses of eggs on submerged portions of plants.
An object will move above the surface until mass of the displaced liquid equals the mass of the submerged portion of the object.
The vessel turned to avoid a collision, but the submerged portion of an iceberg gouged its bulkhead and bilges.
It associates with aquatic macrophytes or the submerged portion of marginal vegetation.
A flexible submerged portion separated the rear section from the rigid forward portion of the slipway to prevent the submerged part from rolling with the ship's motion.
Mr. DeVilbiss said that workers would probably use air bags underneath the submerged portion of the ship to help right it.
Larvae feed on submerged portions of aquatic plants, such as water lilies, and breathe oxygen from plant vessels.
Spring snowmelt flooded the river and battered the submerged portion of pipe.