Through this chamber, which worked like an airlock, divers could leave and enter the submerged vessel.
The video featured Carey in various places, including a submerged vessel, a lighthouse and a large conch shell floating the shore.
However, the Nautilus, turning, went round the submerged vessel, and in one instant I read on the stern - "The Florida, Sunderland."
It shows many scenes of Carey laying on a submerged vessel in a large body of water, while lamenting her lost lover.
The waves were eddying like a whirlpool around the submerged vessel, and numbers of enormous airbubbles were rising to the surface of the water.
According to a US National Park Service Guide, the submerged vessel is still visible from N 42 19.902' W 070 55.818' during periods of calm.
Combined with the hydrophone reports of the strange noise, which he determined to be coming from a submerged vessel, Launders surmised that they had found U-864.
We have contact on a submerged vessel on MAD.
The National Park Service states that it has an ongoing program closely monitoring the condition of the submerged vessel.
The submarine carried out the first successful torpedo attack by a submerged vessel against a surface ship.