The sheer impact of the submissive position combined with the powerful strength behind her shouldn't have made her hotter.
This usually results in the victim feeling bad, keeping them in a self-doubting, anxious and submissive position.
As much as her act is an extended joke, it never places her in a submissive position, and she always seems completely self-assured.
And, arguably, stereotypes may be reinforced by making still another submissive position available to blacks.
This suggests that dogs do not instinctually panic if they are forced into this submissive position against their will.
I sank down to my original submissive position.
Have you ever been butt-plugged and then put in a submissive position and auctioned off?
She rose from her submissive position on the floor, faced him, then slapped him on the face.
Violence against women cannot be eliminated without addressing the factors that contribute, directly or indirectly, to women being in a submissive position.
He immediately broke eye contact and assumed the submissive position.