She becomes a doting and submissive wife and bears the bey a son.
That she would be a submissive, dutiful wife!
In addition, his formerly submissive wife becomes no longer afraid of him and judges him severely.
Matt didn't really want a mousy, submissive wife.
Even if brought up to be a good, submissive wife, she balks at the idea of sharing the conjugal bed.
Do you find it hard to play the role of the submissive wife?
In her innocence, she is the model of a good wife, graceful and submissive to Adam.
They eloped one weekend in '48, and she spent the next 39 years of her life masked as a submissive wife.
In the parallel world, she manipulates events while behind the scenes, posing as Rara's submissive wife.
I doubt you would find me such a submissive wife after all, Dom Allart.