In anger, the eunuch monitor submitted an accusation against Du.
"It's certain my fragile administration will immediately collapse if the opposition camp submits a no-confidence motion" against the cabinet in parliament, he said.
May 18, 1840: Ross submitted claims against the US government for expenses of the removal.
She held her youngest, who was seven and usually unwilling to submit to baby treatment, firmly against her bosom.
Then 20 MPs submitted two votes of no confidence motions against the minister.
Step 1: A complainant must submit his complaint against a government action within 30 days under the statute of limitation.
Though she wept unconsolably, that great lady submitted, against the forfeiture of her husband's soul.
A parent can submit a legal appeal against a court order preventing the other parent from taking a child out of the country.
Users submit evidence for or against the company, votes are tallied, and a "social performance" score is given.
All Member States submitted their national action plans against poverty and social exclusion during June this year.