You may have to submit copies of these to the defendant and to the court.
Please do not submit a copy of your transcripts; we require the original.
All government agencies are required to submit copies of their annual accounts and reports to this office for review.
I have submitted my bank statements, all correspondence and a copy of the original loan agreement.
(Originally published in 1976) We can submit a copy of this book if necessary.
The tenant does not have to submit a copy of his marriage certificate.
Applicants will be required to submit copies of testing logs performed for a three month period after August 1, 2009.
Additionally, federal grant applications may be required to submit a copy of their application for state government level review and comment.
I have written to him encouraging him to submit a copy of his California certificate for our review.
Couples must submit a copy of a wedding certificate; (800) 222-1236 or