From his home in the region of Nantes, Deltombe continued to submit paintings to the different Salons of the capital.
Under her influence Bonnard, Braque, Utrillo, Matisse and Picasso all submitted paintings to its yearly exhibitions.
Until he was in his mid-thirties, he submitted paintings regularly to the annual exhibitions at the Philadelphia Academy.
To this end he had already been submitting paintings to the academy's shows for years.
During this period Bennett worked as a Jeweller, whilst also regularly submitting paintings to the Royal Academy of which four were exhibited between 1861-1880.
Full members are able to submit paintings for inclusion in the twice-yearly exhibition held for two weeks each Spring and Autumn.
Each applicant submitted paintings for review.
In both 1925 and 1926 he submitted paintings to the Carnegie Internationals sponsored by the Carnegie Museum of Art, but the works were rejected.
Brondgeest submitted paintings to several exhibitions, and got accepted 0n multiple occasions, at least from 1813 until 1818.
Degas encouraged Helleu to submit paintings to the Eighth Impressionist Exhibition in May and June 1886.