The rules to enter the race state that you must submit $5,000 and 50 signatures from party members.
The measure submitted enough signatures to be placed on the ballot.
He submitted 10,557 signatures to the electoral commission on November 16.
But all three groups appeared vulnerable to challenge, because each submitted only a few thousand signatures over the 15,000 required by law.
As an example, he said a California law required candidates to submit 158,000 signatures on their petitions.
October 28, 2011: Deadline to submit signatures of 1,000 party members and become an official candidate.
He must submit 11,412 valid signatures by Wednesday to be on the ballot.
The party submitted 16,500 signatures on July 11, 2006.
It submitted 55,000 signatures to qualify in Ohio, half of which were collected by volunteers.
These parties also are not eligible to run primaries, and the first person to submit 15,000 signatures automatically gets the party line.