For purposes of completeness, additional exhibits submitted by N.I.S. since 28 July 1989 are included in enclosure (295).
Nearly 75,000 scripts have been submitted since 1976.
This was the first full application to be submitted to the NRC since the year 1979.
Governor Pataki has submitted sexual assault legislation every year since 1997, and the Senate has passed it every year.
And with jobs on the line, about 1,000 proposals had been submitted since July.
Almost all pharmacy claims have been submitted electronically since the 1980's.
More than 350,000 manuscripts have been submitted since that first morning; of these, 21,000 have been published, in addition to articles by The Times's regular columnists.
I should like to remind you that the Commission has submitted various proposals since its communication in July 1998.
The Funday PawPet Show's website has an archive of all art submitted since 1999.
So far, applications have been submitted for more than 24,000 condominium apartments since January 2004, 7,000 of them in the first half of this year alone.