The thought of someone "deficient in the sense of humor represents more of a challenge to our idea of the human than a person of subnormal intelligence."
And now there is no drain on the average intelligence from people with extremely subnormal intelligence.
Her parents had both been of subnormal intelligence, and had been allowed to beget offspring - limited to one - in return for voluntary commitment to the land.
Sutt raised his eyebrows skeptically and took advantage of the pause, "I hope I am not of subnormal intelligence, but the fact is that your vague lecture isn't very illuminating."
It is unclear what standard of consent should be employed with respect to children or those of subnormal intelligence.
Scottish dermatologist John James Pringle, working in London, described a 25-year-old woman with subnormal intelligence, rough lesions on the arms and legs, and a papular facial rash.
Moreover, he believed that there was a natural tendency for those of subnormal intelligence to fall into lives of crime and vice.
Six men of subnormal intelligence lived on the planet Each group was reared in a splendidly managed institution which prepared them to live on Alyx and to thrive there-and nowhere else.
When pensive, Aarn's broad face and huge body succeeded in looking like a cow of subnormal intelligence, ruminating on the possible source of its next meal.
For eight years we had a U.S. President with subnormal intelligence.