The second, a suborbital vehicle, was the product of Jim Benson's having reused the name when he formed the Benson Space Company for the purposes of space tourism.
There are already several space tourism companies planning to build suborbital vehicles and orbital cities within the next two decades.
The first suborbital vehicles which reached space were ballistic missiles.
A major use of suborbital vehicles today are as scientific sounding rockets.
XCOR Aerospace is developing a suborbital vehicle called Lynx.
A third applicant, Xcor Aerospace, also of Mojave, said it was planning a suborbital vehicle as a steppingstone to a spaceship that could go into orbit.
He did not have access to the sort of suborbital vehicle that had carried Justen Devray there.
Citizens in Space will also be developing, and encouraging others to develop, citizen-science payloads to fly on suborbital vehicles.
"I'm on it," she told her grandmother, and made her way to the suborbital vehicle into which the first survivor had been deposited.
The second stage commences by launching the suborbital vehicle vertically, through the very thin balloon envelope.