Home Box Office reported $103 million in operating profits, an 18 percent increase over the previous year because of increased subscriber revenues.
This money, which amounts to $1 billion, is to be paid out from subscriber revenues over the next five years and according to the following breakdown:
The first window for "Sunny" is on cable television, which relies on subscriber revenue.
If you didn't have this, would you lose $125 million of subscriber revenue somehow?
Thus, if the average subscriber revenue is $18, three customers generate $54 a month.
It is quickly moving to rely more on advertising and fees from members' on-line purchases and less on subscriber revenue.
But some investors were disappointed by the slow growth in the online unit's subscriber revenue in the third quarter, despite a fee increase in July.
It also limited the franchise fee that local governments could charge to 3 percent of gross subscriber revenue.
Taste of Home used to be dependent entirely on subscriber revenue for its income, taking no advertising.
Mr. Saleh said one way the company might address the issue was to raise some prices selectively, which would force up average subscriber revenue.