Users must currently pay installation costs of about £300, plus a monthly subscription charge of £10.
It was the first deaf club in the country to levy an annual subscription charge.
The cable operators also promise to cover subscription charges to an on-line computer service.
The cost of a cellular phone line is estimated at around 500 dollars in addition to a monthly subscription charge of 18 to 20 dollars.
The development of radio eliminated the wires and subscription charges from this concept.
Here is a recent sample: I never subscribed to Time magazine, yet this month there was a $14.95 subscription charge on my credit card.
The service is funded by a monthly subscription charge rather than by advertising.
The society had an annual subscription charge, which covered administration.
Originally, the company delivered a concierge-style service for executive job search for which members paid a monthly subscription charge.
There may be a subscription charge to use the service.